Monday 29 April 2013

Qi gong

Qigong (also spelled Chi Kung)
comes from the Chinese words
"Qi" meaning "Energy" plus
"Gong," meaning "work" or
"practice." This Chinese Exercise
system focuses on cultivating and
attracting life-force energies.
Through training in this healing
art, practitioners build up their
health by combining discipline of
the mind and the body's
"Qi" (vital force). Those who
practice it regularly can
experience profound
improvement in every aspect of
their life. Dragon Qi

1 comment:

  1. The psychological healing health aspect will help the practitioner to build more positive self esteem, confidence and increase their outlook on life through the meditation principles. Meditation helps to calm the mind, refocus the practitioner, and brings peace to their lives. This can begin to happen in a few short weeks of one beginning the practice of tai chi.

    Ilchi Lee Books
