Monday 29 April 2013

Distance Healing

Distance Healing?
Distance healing is any form of
healing energy "sent" across time
and space that is received and has
a healing effect on the recipient.
With this type of work, you do not
have to be physically present with
the healer to receive the healing. It
may be done over the phone or at
a special time set aside and agreed
upon between you and the
This type of healing is equally
effective as an in person healing
because in alternative energy
healing and holistic medicine
therapies, we are working with the
physical, emotional and mental
aspects of an individual by
accessing the individual’s energy
body. The energy body can be
accessed easily from anywhere and
at any time and does not require
you to be physically present with
the practitioner. Dragon Healing Qi

1 comment:

  1. Originating in Ancient Chinese medicine, this form of exercise is comprised of the principles of yin and yang. It focuses on bringing balance to the two. The whole practice of this martial art focuses on breathing, slow movements and mental focus.

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